Monday, January 17, 2011


We've been threatening an opening party of our Fraser Street space since before we began construction... And now the date is set and we hope to see you there!

One of the things we really wanted for the new shoppe was to be able to host art shows... So with this party we're also having our very first ART OPENING!!!! Featuring the work of LIAM HOGAN. (The work will debut on the 5th, but will be hanging for a month, in case you can't make the party.)

We are so happy in our new home and we hope you'll come celebrate with us!

Love, Beehive

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We are stars!.. of Vancouver...

With the end of 2010 also comes the news that Vancouver Courier readers have once again voted us Stars of Vancouver!!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for us. We're so pumped on 2011 and looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

Gratefully yours,
The Beehive