Saturday, June 25, 2011

HELP! Lost cat!

His name is Mushi. He belongs to Chenoa, who lives in the same block as the Beehive.
So, if you see him when you are on your way to your hair appointment, please bring him to us and we will get him home.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ATTN: Chenoa's clients! Vacation Alert!

Chenoa is going back East to visit some family.

She'll be gone June 25th - July 8th.

I guess even unicorns need vacations from time to time...


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beehive for President!

The Beehive has been nominated for an Urban Culture Conference Award!

Iffin' you love us, please vote here:
We're under "Stlye" - then "Hair Salon".
Love, Beehive.