Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brazilian No-Out

We're just as shocked and sad about the Brazilian Blowout news as anyone.

Because of the recent controversy surrounding the product, the Beehive is suspending the Brazilian Blowout service until the company and the feds give it the go-ahead.

In case you haven't been following the news, despite the company claiming a formaldehyde-free product, Health Canada found bad amounts of the f-word in the product. The company has done some of their own testing and thinks the product has been tampered with. They've issued a re-call and won't re-releasing the product to the public until it can pass all the regulatory standards... At which time, when the coast is clear, we shall blowout once again.

We are totally bummed about all of this, but have high hopes that the Brazilian Blowouters will make good on their word. We promise to keep our clients safe from harm, and to keep you informed.

Love, your pals at the Beehive.

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