Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Beehive hosts Craftacular 6!

Craftacular is an inclusive craft show that hosts all kinds of local talent, giving Vancouver the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful, often unusual creations. Come by the Beehive December 11th and peruse the handmade wares.... Also, there will be a cash bar. Crafts and booze! Together at last.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Art opening at the Beehive! Monday, November 14th, 8pm

We are so excited to be featuring the art of Katherine Coe!
Please join us at the opening of the show this Monday night at 8pm.
We will have the usual accouterments.

Love, Beehive

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Warm Clothes, Blankets and Boot Drive at the Beehive

It is supposed to be a very cold winter here in Vancouver.
So, the Beehive is hosting a drive to collect any warm clothes, hats, scarves, coats, blankets and boots to give to those who would otherwise go without.

The BOOTS will be donated to an organization called 'Homeless Shoes', fixed-up and given to one of many giving societys in town.

The WARM COATS, BLANKETS and other bits and pieces will be taken weekly down to the good people at the Kettle Friendship Society who'll see to it that they go to folks who need to keep warm this winter.

So bring your donations by the Beehive!
To your next appoitment, or just stop in any time during shop hours!
There must be something you can spare!

Thanks for your donation,
xo Beehive

Saturday, November 5, 2011

1 year already!!!!

Today, November 5th, marks the one year anniversary of the Beehive opening at our current location on Fraser Street!!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who made it such an amazing year.
(cake made by Debra for our grand opening)